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Bounce Handler Class v7.4.1 VNC

The Bounce Handler Class is a class that was designed for sorting through email messages and determining which are bounces vs regular messages or auto responder messages.

The class is no longer being developed and the webpage to the author is no longer online.

We have cleaned an issue in the 7.4 SB file which would fill your logs with error messages; we've additionally done some cleanup of the supplied code. This archive is the file that is installed along side the UBB.threads Bounced EMail Processor file, and is released under the BSD license.

Author: VNC Web Services
Download: here (This file is hosted on our server)
Downloaded: 4 Times
Size: 309.52 Kb
MD5: 8ede00fa28eceeab89850ed4717ec658
SHA1: b180994f208b6c56d8e2b11c572e19e9b3b6678a
Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 6th, 2018
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